New Covers – Sundance

I have been neglecting my blog again.  Much has happened since my last posts.  However rather than putting all the updates in one post I am going to post a number of posts.

The covers of Sundance are original and in only a fair condition so it made sense to take the opportunity replace the covers.  The first section to be fitted was the

Mesh covers over saloon front windows

window covers.  I wanted some mesh covers to cover the windows, as this will not only give us privacy but it will also help to keep the cabins slightly warmer in the winter but cooler in the summer.  We had a choice of either white of black mesh.  We decided on the back mesh as the new covers over the helm, stern cockpit and the dodgers are going to be black.

Port Side Window Mesh

Forward Cabin window mesh










The radar arch at this time had been removed and a small cover was made to cover the helm section while the cover over the helm section was being made.  It was necessary to make a new stainless steel frame over the helm to work too.

Sundance with old Radar Arch


It dident take long to remove the old Radar Arch with partly with a grinder and partly unbolting sections.


Sundance with the Radar Arched removed.




With the Radar Arch removed, the new frame work was constructed for the new covers.  It did seem really strange to see Sundance without the Radar Arch.

New stainless steel frame work fitted.


Sundance with new helm covers






It was great to have the new covers fitted, it now feels as if we are getting some where now with the works.  Just need the Bimini cock pit cover and the dodgers made up.

Sundance with new helm covers

However it is getting late in the year and the cover maker needs good weather to undertake the works. So the covers are now on hold untill better weather.





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